Warranty & repairs

  • What should I do in case of a defective product?

    First, check the troubleshooting page to see if you can fix the problem yourself. It is not necessary in all cases to return products.

    We provide a 2-year warranty on all electronic devices.

    Within the warranty period you can return a product to us free of charge for inspection. Depending on the problem, your product will be repaired or you will receive a new, replacement product.

    Has the warranty period expired? Please contact our customer service by telephone on +31 (0)13 762 0460 for a suitable solution.

    Returning a defective product
    1.Download our repair form here.
    2. Print the repair form, fill in all details and add it to your return shipment.
    3. Stick your return label on the box in which you return the product.

    *There is a 2-year warranty on all electronic devices. This starts on the date of purchase. Damage to the exterior, damage from misuse, damage from accidental damage, damage from repair or alterations made by unauthorized repairers are not covered by the warranty.

    Repairing a Shoefresh outside the warranty costs € 69.95 incl. VAT. You will receive a 6-month warranty on the replaced part after a repair.

  • What are the warranty conditions?